As you will have seen in our previous post, we are ready to get started with our various projects - and a few that haven't been mentioned - which will help improve the lives of the kids at Twiga, the community around Kisii and hopefully, if successful, we will be able to work with other NGOs and charities to introduce the best to a wider world.
But we need stuff. We need gardening tools, spades, forks, hoes, rakes. We could do with a vehicle. Although this is a big wish, if we could borrow something that can carry equipment and tools to the site, it would be great.
But most of all, we need money! But, not a lot.
I reckon that, if we were lent a vehicle, we could get things started on £500. If, on the other hand we have to hire a vehicle, we would need nearer £1,000.
If you can help us raise some funds, or advertise our cause and website please contact us.
Thank you.